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Guarded Town - MeduliColored Forest - Map LocationPig Farm - Map LocationRuins - Map LocationMage Valley - Map LocationTalus Mountains - Map LocationSouthern Steppe - Map LocationGuarded Town - Morin KhurWhitewood - WildernessWisent - WildernessCalx - WildernessDapplewood - WildernessLandmark - Meduli TowerCanteri - Map LocationWhitewood - WildernessCalx - WildernessConvolvulaceae - WildernessLandmark - Cave Camp LakeBush Pig - WildernessMalus Fruit - WildernessDapplewood - WildernessCommon Reedmace - WildernessWisent - WildernessSpongewood - WildernessRazorback - WildernessBandit Camp - Spider ValleyRisar Camp - Sausage LakeBandit Camp - Sausage LakeBandit Camp - Mino DungeonBandit Camp - Gaur HillBor Chunk - WildernessRisar Camp - Mega BaseBrown Bear - WildernessSteppe Horse - WildernessBandit Camp - Colored ForestDapplewood - WildernessSpongewood - WildernessLandmark - Mountain OverlookLandmark - Forest RuinsLandmark - Mino RuinsLandmark - Southern OutletLandmark - Wolf ValleyLandmark - Pendant RuinsSteppe Horse - WildernessLandmark - Whitebear CaveCommon Reedmace - WildernessBlack Bear - WildernessThymus - WildernessBandit Camp - Moh KiGherking - WildernessNymph Herb - WildernessLandmark - South Thieves PassLandmark - North Thieves PassYellow Cepa - WildernessBrownwood - WildernessWhitewood - WildernessCalamine Shale - WildernessBor Chunk - WildernessLandmark - Granum PassKaruva - WildernessTaur Dog - WildernessBrownwood - WildernessGuild Castle - Spider ValleyGuild Castle - Meduli MountainsGuild Castle - TopGuild Castle - Morin KhurBush Pig - WildernessSteppe Horse - WildernessTaur Dog - WildernessDire Wolf - Wilderness